Code of conduct
Preserving what has worked well in the past and at the same time being open to new developments is one of the company’s core principles. The ongoing optimisation of our services for our customers’ benefit, long-term maintenance and improvement of our market position, responsible and respectful relationships with temporary workers and harmonious coexistence within the core workforce always take centre stage in our activities.
Our code of conduct provides a guiding framework which applies equally for every employed by the company. It combines our requirement for full compliance with the law and regulations in business activities within Germany and abroad with the self-imposed requirement for ethical conduct towards everyone within the company, as well as towards our customers, suppliers and jobseekers.
Being an employee of ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH means more than just consistently encouraging and supporting the economic success of the company through personal commitment. It also means taking personal responsibility for compliance with the guidelines which apply within the company. Our guidelines here are binding for all employees of ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH.
Our managers have duty to set an example and to exemplify the requirement for ethically and legally impeccable conduct towards the employees who are subordinate to them. In the process, the managers ensure that the employees are aware of the applicable code of conduct and that the consistently comply with it.
Simply good staff.
We understand our slogan: “Simply good staff.” to mean offering excellent service, inspiring our customers and responding flexibly to requirements. We are only satisfied if we have done a perfect job. Here, our primary concern is recognising our customers’ wishes in good time, exceeding expectations of a personalised service to the greatest extent possible and taking all aspects of the improvement of service quality into account and refining them.
As a service-oriented service provider, we are aware of our responsibility to our customers and know that we can’t betray the trust which is placed in us. We therefore take care, in the execution of our services and the employment of our temporary workers in customer companies, to ensure full compliance with the existing regulations and laws.
Realisation of the corporate objectives
As a for-profit company which is in competition with others, it is very important to us that all employees actively contribute to the achievement of the self-imposed corporate objectives. For this reason, we take care to ensure that assigned tasks are only processed by and entrusted to the personnel who are requested for them, in order to be able to deliver on our claims regarding the high quality of our services.
Inconsistencies which occur within operational processes or during the implementation of customer requirements are openly communicated to everyone involved and viable solutions are sought. Here, the focus is always on lasting clarification of the situation with on personally motivated conclusions. We respond objectively and without reservation to criticism which is given constructively. However, we reject sweeping allegations and polemic.
Principles of integrity and appreciation
We consider integrity in all of our activities, appreciation and fairness to our customers, employees, temporary workers, suppliers and the competition to be a cornerstone of successful entrepreneurial work. In the process, we continuously examine our own actions in order to identify and remedy potential weaknesses within our self-imposed rules.
We consider an individual’s personality, their background and their religious or sexual orientation to be essential features of diversity in a liberal and democratic society. This diversity, insofar as it is not at odds with existing laws or limits the individual freedom of others in an unlawful manner, should always be respected and protected against hostility, abusive language or discrimination.
Health and safety in the workplace
In order to be able to ensure the health and safety of our internal employees in their day-to-day activities in service of the customers, as well as our temporary workers, we are vigilant about full compliance with all legal and trade association rules in relation to occupational health and safety. As a responsible employer, we are particularly vigilant about compliance with the occupational health and safety provisions and the principles guaranteed by the constitution while our temporary workers are in service to our customer businesses.
Business relationships with customers, suppliers and competitor companies
Dealings with our business partners or competitor companies are always based on trust, mutual respect and fairness. In order to avoid compromising this basis, business decisions within the entire company should not be guided either by private interests or by personal benefit. We consider strict compliance with all legal requirements and ethically correct behaviour in our business relationships to be self-evident here.
We refrain from any form of active or passive corruption in all business activities or contact with competitor companies. We also do not accept such behaviour if such offers are made to us by business partners or competitor companies. If employees of our company are unsure, when offered gifts, invitations or other benefits provided by our business partners or competitor companies, whether this may be unethical conduct, they should immediately contact the competent legal department for further clarification.
Public tendering
In order to ensure fair competition, all employees of ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH who are involved in public tendering processes are required to strictly comply with the applicable rules and regulations for the prevention of undue influence.
Data protection
ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH undertakes to comply with the data protection provisions which apply across the EU and takes care in all organisational procedures to ensure careful and responsible handling of sensitive customer, supplies and personnel data. All employees who are in contact with customers, suppliers or personnel adhere strictly to the applicable data protection regulations.
Operational implementation
The implementation and monitoring of the above standards is ensured through an internal social responsibility strategy and through a corresponding internal procedure. An internal reporting system for violations of these social standards has been established. Employees how report violations may not be disciplined or disadvantaged as a result. ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH and its business partners agree that the implementation of the social standards may be verified at any time by an independent inspector.
Social media code of conduct
- Radical, sexually abusive, pornographic or racist statements are prohibited.
- Calls for crimes against individuals, institutions or companies of any sort have no place in our social networks.
- Do not publish any spam articles, chain emails, appeals for donations or similar advertising messages on our pages.
- Do not disclose any personal data concerning yourself and other people. Anyone can see the posts which are made.
- Respect the rights of third parties (e.g. copyright) and only publish content for which the usage rights are available.